Central Noble High School Canstruction 2021

For the past 13 years, Central Noble Canstruction has participated in this Canstruction event.  We have collected approximately 200,000 pounds of food for our local food pantries to help fight hunger in Noble County. Our team of 15 students works hard writing grants, doing fundraisers, putting on bake sales, and working events to raise money for our builds.  We also are extremely grateful for our local businesses that generously donate to our cause.  Last year when the Canstruction event was cancelled due to Covid, we were devastated. 

We still wanted to help our communities, so as a group we decided to donate the money we had raised to several local food pantries.  Not knowing what this year was going to bring, we began raising funds once again.  We were once again blessed with the generosity of our local businesses which allowed us to purchase just as many canned goods as we have in the past.  This year our group is building KING KONG, which is a cinema classic.  This iconic beast has been remade in numerous movies, one of those being the most recent Godzilla vs King Kong, that was just released.  Just as King Kong as conquered many feats, our Central Noble Canstruction crew is determined to conquer hunger.  If we were to get the $1000 for People Choice, we would give that money directly to our Central Noble Food Pantry right here in Albion, Indiana. 

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